8 Nights. 8 Lights. 8 Stories.
Join us as we celebrate Chanuka by honoring 8 spectacular Jewish women, one for each of the 8 nights of Chanuka!
Because the world may seem like a very dark place -
And sometimes we wonder: How can I possibly make a difference? Our 8 Lights are. And you can too.
Read how our 8 Lights are brightening the world with an idea they boldly pursued. And see how even a little light pushes away a lot of darkness.
Congratulations to this year's 8 Lights! Happy Chanuka!
Chanukah 5778 - 2017
Chanukah 5777 - 2016
8 Lights is dedicated in loving memory of Mindelle Feller A"H. Mindy was a proud shlucha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, dedicated mother and grandmother, Phi Beta Kappa, mathematician, and warm and insightful friend and mentor to thousands of Jewish women around the world, supporting them in their spiritual journeys with humor, compassion and loyal friendship. Mindy's light will shine forever in the hearts of all the women she encouraged to go out there and shine with everything they've got.