The Jewish Uncamp: For Independent Thinking Jewish High School Girls
Find out more about your Jewish heritage, your people and yourself. Discover your creative side. Explore the great outdoors with your new best friends from around the world.
And ask the biggest, baddest questions you've got.
What does it mean to be a Jew today and why should I care? How should we respond to anti-semitism? What does Judaism say about love and how will I know when it's the right one? What about technology and culture? Gender issues? World peace?
With thousands of years of Jewish wisdom to tap into, it's going to be a radical few weeks at the Jewish UnCamp.
What You Need to Know
Who: Jewish teen girls, 16-19
When: Summers and weekends during the school year
Where: Locations across the US & Canada
Scholarships: Full and Partial Scholarships
What's Next: July 2-22, 2024 in the Blue Ridge Mountains, VA