What would you be like if you could tap into the powers of your soul?
What if you had a practical guide to spiritual self-development? That wasn't overly mystical or woo woo.
JOURNEY of TRANSFORMATION. 6-sessions on spiritual self-development—in plain English—taught by Chana Slavaticki.
Taught during "Sefirat Haomer" - a time for reflection and personal growth leading up to the holiday of Shavuot.
Journey of Transformation is part of Bais Chana Online's Jewish Holiday Series.

CHANA SLAVATICKI is passionate about Jewish education, and has been teaching high school and adult learners for nearly twenty years. She's the director of Adult Education at Beth Tfiloh Congregation of Baltimore and teaches Judaic studies at the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School. Chana holds a Master's Degree in Education, and specializes in curriculum development. She lives with her husband and children in Baltimore, MD.
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Scroll down for the handout for each class.
1. Introduction, Kindness and Discipline (Chessed and Gevurah)
2. What's the Key to a Healthy Work-Life Balance (Tiferet)
3. The Most Important Trait for Success (Netzach)
4. The Greatest Barrier to Expressing Graditude (Hod)
5. Who Had the Most Profound Impact on You? (Yesod)
6. What's Your Inner Nobility? (Malchut)