“...Joy and an open, responsive heart that is unblemished by any trace of worry and sadness in the world!”
- Tanya, Ch 26.
The Secret to Kick-Start Healing
An event for Shluchos on dealing with depression and anxiety
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, Monday, June 19th
@ 9:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm PT
Do you ask yourself
"What's wrong with me?"
"Will I ever be my happy old self again?"
"Will I ever be able to rely on myself again?",
"Can someone please just fix me!"
As women we're used to being the stronghold of our families and communities. When we're out of commission, it breaks us - not only for ourselves, but when we see what it does to the people around us.
If you're ready for a dramatic paradigm shift and real solutions, please join Bais Chana's free workshop for Shluchos on dealing with depression.
You'll walk away years lighter and with new optimism and hope.
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Your donation of $18 - $72 would be much appreciated and help us offer this valuable resource and more like it!
Sign up HERE

ITTY KAY has taught in-person and online classes to hundreds of women at Bais Chana over the last decade. Her new 12-part course, Responsive Heart, focuses on how to achieve the "joy and open, responsive heart that is unblemished by any trace of worry or sadness in the world," that the Alter Rebbe speaks of in Tanya. In this new course, Itty brings you the wisdom of the Chassidic Rebbes, a collection of deep insights and powerful practical tools from Torah that will transform and enrich the way you think and feel. All in order for you to fulfill your purpose with optimism, light and joy.
Itty is the force behind Bais Chana Online, a community of Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds from around the world who learn together weekly.
Please support the development of new online classes like these by making a donation
You're helping women all over the world.
Every amount helps! Thank you so much!