Identity Agenda
Messages from the Megila of Esther
The Identity Agenda
Messages from the Megila of Esther
A 4-Part Series with Freidy Yanover
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The Megila of Esther tells the incredible story of how one Jewish woman saves her people from annihilation.
Study it deeply and we get a whole new understanding of identity and resilience, that's like medicine for the anxieties of our generation.
Class 1 - The story that tells us who we are
Class 2 - Will the real Esther please rise?
Class 3 - Find your authenticity
Class 4 - Jewish women taking action and making your commitments real
No Hebrew required. Each class is 30 minutes followed by questions and discussion.
FREIDY YANOVER is a brilliant and engaging teacher, not one to shy away from some of the toughest material in the canon of Chassidic and Kabbalistic writings. She’s also down to earth, very practical and wants to help you live the things you learn. Yanover is an EFT practitioner and certified life coach for individuals, couples and families.
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Previous Episodes
Episode 1: The Identity Agenda: The history of the story that tells us who we are.
Episode 2: The Identity Agenda: Will the real Esther please rise!
Episode 3: The Identity Agenda: What about your authenticity
Episode 4: The Identity Agenda: Make your commitment real!