High Holiday
Crash Course
This year, don't just show up. Know what's up!
Join this fast-paced 6-part series for a deep dive into each holiday and a practical guide to pulling it all off with joy!
Your Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah will be meaningful, uplifting and NEW - the perfect start to a New Year! For best results, share your new wisdom with family and friends!
Taught by Itty Kay.
the Deep Dive
Unity. Joy. And the secret soul-dimension of each holiday.
The What, Where, When, how
Apple & honey. Huts & branches. Tekiot, tashlich and kreplach??

Deep Dive into Rosh Hashana

The What, Where, When, How
Rosh Hashana 5784

Deep Dive into Yom Kippur

The What, Where, When, How
Yom Kippur 5784

Deep Dive into Sukkot & Simchat Torah

The What, Where, When, How
Succot & Simchat Torah 5784

What do we eat? When are services? How do I prepare? Where do I start???
Join this fun and fast paced 6-part online series that'll arm you with everything you need to know about the upcoming Jewish Holidays.
From practical know-how about the laws, customs, traditions and rituals. To the spicy background and rich Chassidic insights you need to have a meaningful happy holiday month - overflowing with blessings!
This year, don't just show up. Go into the High Holidays ready for the full experience! Sign up and make this your most meaningful year ever.

ITTY KAY is a passionate teacher who brings the depth and wisdom you need into your life right now. Get ready to jump into the deep end of Jewish learning as Kay cracks open the Chassidic holy books with enthusiasm, peels back layers of superficiality and lets you peek at the world and yourself through the eyes of the Chassidic Masters.
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