Journey Through A Month of Compassion
Preparing mind, heart & soul for a New Year
Journey Through a Month of Compassion
Preparing mind, heart and soul for a New Year
Aug 30 | Sept 6 | Sept 13 | Sept 20
4 Tuesdays at 1 pm ET
1 pm ET | 12 pm CT | 11 am MT | 10 am PT | 7 am HT | 6 pm UK | 8 pm Israel
What's on the Agenda

Class 1 August 30
Get a little closer to G-d
How do you strengthen your relationship with G-d?
Explore: King Solomon's Song of Songs, on the verse, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."

Class 2 September 6
Uncover your compassion
Are you a compassionate person? How does G-d express His compassion? How do we?
Explore: The 13 expressions of Divine compassion
Class 3 September 13
Find strength - when you just can't go it alone
How can you lean on G-d for light, salvation and strength?
Explore: King David's Psalm 27

Class 4 September 20
Sound the shofar
The sound of the shofar - it's your soul calling out.
Explore: The significance of shofar in Jewish life

FREIDY YANOVER is a brilliant and engaging teacher, not one to shy away from some of the toughest material in the canon of Chassidic and Kabbalistic writings. She’s also down to earth, very practical and wants to help you live the things you learn. Yanover is an EFT practitioner and certified life coach for individuals, couples and families.

She said/She said
Freidy was so clear. She answered a question I’ve had for years that I started to think had no answer. This course was a gift.
- Audrey from Wilmington
Loved Freidy’s classes, especially the one on forgiveness. Now I have the practical steps to heal a painful relationship.
- Elena, Philadelphia
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